World Trade Organization (WTO)

General Assembly

World Trade Organization

Contemporary committee centering upon affairs regarding the regulation and facilitation of international trade.

Committee size: 40 Double Delegations

Committee Topics

  • Topic 1: Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights

    Intellectual rights are defined as rights granted to people for their creations. While intellectual rights drive many influential international events, few of these agreements, such as the Madrid System, have highlighted the potential weaknesses in these systems. Despite attempts to mitigate these issues, intellectual property crime has seen a dramatic increase, stealing profits and success from hard-working businesses. This theft has only increased with digitization, as it is now much easier to impersonate legitimate businesses and destroy their reputations. In this topic, delegates are tasked with solving issues related to intellectual property theft and rights while simultaneously considering economic challenges, new technology, and ethics.

  • Topic 2: Reformation of Agricultural Tariffs

    Tariffs are taxes placed on specific foreign goods by a government, which can be implemented to encourage or facilitate various goals of the government. Typically, tariffs on agricultural products and quotas, embargoes, and sanctions can pressure various governments to take specific decisions. In agriculture, tariffs lead to poor farmers being negatively impacted due to lower export rates, a situation that has led to an increase in “dumping” among farmers. Tariffs can also cause international conflicts due to significant ramifications on local, domestic, and international economies. This topic pushes delegates to consider the reduction of tariffs, international barriers within agricultural trade, and their implications on international relations.

Committee Chairs

  • Thomas Short

  • Ethan Roerink