Celebrating 27 years of student engagement and global learning.

Based out of Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School for Government and International Studies in Richmond, Virginia, the Governor’s School Model United Nations Conference (GSMUN) is one of the longest-running and largest high school Model UN conferences on the East Coast.

500+ delegates in attendance each year

$10,000+ raised in donation to our charity partner

100+ student chairs, staffers, and volunteers

100% student-led

What Makes Us Unique?

  • Our Charitable Mission

    In addition to providing delegates with a unique Model UN experience, GSMUN also partners with a charity each year, typically raising $10,000+ in donations. GSMUN has worked with charities such as World Central Kitchen, World Pediatric Project, and Love146 in past years.

    This year, GSMUN is honored to be working with Blue Sky Fund an organization dedicated to transforming experiences for Richmond area youth through outdoor education and addressing issues of historical exclusionary practices and policies in this field.

  • Keynote Speakers

    GSMUN also has the honor to host an incredibly remarkable keynote speaker each year. Past speakers have included former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, and former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

    We look forward to welcoming Executive Director of UNA-USA Rachel Bowen Pittman as our keynote speaker for GSMUN XXVII.

Our School

Based out of Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School for Government and International Studies in Richmond, Virginia, we are uniquely devoted to giving delegates a global, collaborative Model UN experience focused on international diplomacy, and we are equipped with the resources to do so.


Empowering Diplomacy through Dialogue | March 14-15, 2025

Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School