Delegates will roleplay Pokemon characters to solve issues plaguing this fantastical world.
Approximate committee size: 23 delegates
Committee Topics
Topic 1:
Topic 2:
Committee Chairs
Thomas Short
Thomas Short, a junior at Maggie Walker, is thrilled to be a co-chair of GSMUN XXVII’s Pokemon Committee. Thomas has been involved in MUN since 8th grade and has been a chair and vice chair previously at GSMUN. Thomas enjoys playing soccer, playing volleyball, and learning about business, finance, and economics. He is the parliamentarian of the school’s FBLA club. Thomas looks forward to meeting all of the delegates at GSMUN this spring!
James Bae
James Bae is excited to be one of the chairs for this year’s Pokémon Committee. He has participated in Maggie Walker’s Model UN since freshman year. He has worked as a part of GSMUN for two years and chaired last year. James is also a member of his school’s tennis team, robotics team, and Mock Trial Club. James is excited about GSMUN XXVII and to see where the debate goes in the committee.