International Committee of the Red Cross

Specialized Agency

International Committee of the Red Cross

Contemporary committee specialized in the allotment of aid to humanitarian crises and wars, with a focus on crises in African nations like South Sudan, Congo, Senegal, and more.

Approximate committee size: 15 delegates

Committee Topics

  • Topic I:

  • Topic II:

Committee Chairs

  • Shreeya Patel

    Shreeya Patel, a junior at Maggie Walker, is so excited to be your co-chair this year. She has been a part of Model UN for three years and has been in multiple conferences such at WMHSMUN, ODUMUNC, and VTMUN. Previously for GSMUN, she has been a crisis staffer and vice chair for WHO. Outside of MUN, Shreeya is part of the track and field team and loves to do art. She enjoys learning science and math. She is thrilled to see what creative solutions delegates bring to the conference!

  • Sanaya Bothra

    Sanaya Bothra, a junior and co-treasurer of the MUN club, is thrilled to be your co-chair for ICRC this year! She has been an enthusiastic Model UN delegate for four years, attending multiple conferences and winning several awards, and this marks her third year at GSMUN. In previous years, she has been a chair, a vice chair, and an inter-committee crisis director. Outside of school, Sanaya is a violist of seven years and loves to immerse herself in all things science. She is eager to see what solutions delegates have to offer in tackling the most urgent problems in Sudan!