Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

Specialized Agency


This is a commission of the United Nations focused on the economic and social development of Latin America and the Caribbean. This will mainly focus on broader issues that affect the entire region, such as political and economic corruption.

Approximate committee size: 20 delegates

Committee Topics

  • Topic I:

  • Topic II:

Committee Chairs

  • Aryan Kanduri

    Aryan Kanduri, a junior, is excited to serve as co-chair of the ECLAC committee. This is his third year doing Model UN and his third year participating in GSMUN, having chaired SPECPOL last year and being a staffer two years ago. Outside of Model UN, Aryan enjoys tennis, hiking, travelling, and basically anything adventurous! He is also an active volunteer at Bon Secours and worked under a mentor to research liver cancer. He is looking forward to meeting all of the delegates in March!

  • Sri Battula

    Sri Battula, a junior, is thrilled to serve as co-chair of the ECLAC committee. In his third year of Model United Nations and his third year participating in GSMUN. Besides from Model United Nations, Sri enjoys playing basketball, gaming, and traveling. He is excited to meet all the delegates.