The Empire of Brazil (Novice)

Crisis Simulation


Historical committee that will oversee the destruction of the Empire of Brazil and the rise of democracy.

Approximate committee size: 20 single delegations

Committee Topics

  • Topic 1: Rebuilding the Military

    The slow depletion of the military force in Brazil began with the empire’s shift from monarchy to republic. With there being a great change in systems, the armed forces began to take the brunt of the fall with internal divisions, resource shortages, and lack of leadership. Additionally, the hierarchy within the military systems continued to further separate causing more instability. The meager wages and insufficient living conditions made all those in power, much more aware of their hierarchy. Overall, the depleting state of the military due to the transformation of the Empire of Brazil from a monarchy to republic must be resolved with notions stepping towards the direction of rebuilding the military.

  • Topic 2: Economic Redevelopment

    The economy of the Empire of Brazil was solely based on the presence of slavery. Coffee and sugar, some of their major exports, were majorly dependent on labor by slaves. During the period of the shift from a monarchy to a republic, it also contributed to the presence of slavery. Societal issues erupted from conflicts arising with abolitionists and those that were heavily dependent on making a profit. By the time of the 1860s, the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade had been abolished, signifying the official end of slavery in Brazil. With the conditions of Brazil losing one of its main ways of profitability, the economy must be rebuilt by ways of finding another way of profit or possibly even the reinstatement of slavery despite abolitionist beliefs.

Committee Chairs

  • Hoda Vohra

  • Tanvi Palavalas