Algerian War for Independence

Crisis Simulation

Algerian War for Independence

In this committee, delegates will work to create a new independent Algerian state while fighting the colonial French.

Approximate committee size: 20 delegates

Committee Topics

  • Topic I:

  • Topic II:

Committee Chairs

  • Priya Kumar

    Priya Kumar, a sophomore at Maggie Walker, is thrilled to be serving as co-chair for the Algerian War for Independence crisis committee! She has been doing Model UN since sixth grade and previously served as a vice chair for GSMUN XXVI. Outside of MUN, Priya plays on the school volleyball team, and she is co-president of Spanish Club and an editor for the Jabberwock, MLWGS’s newspaper. Priya is looking forward to an outstanding committee and can’t wait to meet all the delegates!

  • Vera Chunnanond

    Vera Chunnanond, a junior at Maggie Walker, is excited to serve as a co-chair for the Algerian War for Independence committee. She has been involved in Model UN for two years, and has previously served as a crisis staffer for GSMUN. Aside from Model UN, Vera is a wrestler, part of the MLWGS Mock Trial club, and a trombone player. Vera can’t wait to meet all the delegates in March!