Ad Hoc Committee of the Secretary-General

Crisis Simulation

Ad Hoc Committee of the Secretary-General

Ad Hoc is an advanced crisis committee where delegates will not know the committee, topics, or positions prior to the first committee session and must work to create directives and devise solutions extemporaneously.

Approximate committee size: 10 single delegations

Committee Chairs

  • Winston Crane

    Winston is a junior at Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School and has been doing MUN since the start of freshman year. During that two year span he has attended 4 conferences winning awards at half of those. Aside from MUN, Winston is vice president of the Japanese National Honor Society, vice president of the Global Awareness Club, a member of the One Small Step Organizing Team, and studying both Japanese and Chinese. Outside of school, Winston likes to garden, play soccer, play the viola, and volunteer at the James River.

  • Brenden Stremler

    Brenden is also a junior at Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School and has been involved in Model United Nations intermittently since sixth grade. Along with his experiences serving as a crisis director and at conferences, he is excited to bring his passion for history and politics to chairing at GSMUN. Outside of Model United Nations, Brenden is a dedicated member of the Maggie Walker Quiz Bowl team, Vice President of the Japanese National Honor Society, President of Latin Club, and a member of the One Small Step organizing team. Outside of school, Brenden is an avid reader and loves to go hiking and play board games with his friends.