Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPECPOL)

General Assembly



The Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPECPOL) is a contemporary committee focusing on a variety of issues, ranging from decolonization to peacekeeping.

Approximate committee size: 30-35 double delegations

Committee Topics

  • Topic I: The Rohingya Crisis

    The Rohingya are a population of Sunni Muslims who are actively being persecuted and discriminated against by the Myanmar government and their surrounding communities. Although Myanmarese, Rohingya are still incorrectly labeled as illegal immigrants, leading to them not having the same rights and opportunities as traditional citizens. Since the atmosphere in Myanmar is too violent for Rohingya families, many are forced to move away into nearby Bangladesh, causing a refugee crisis where there is a lack of adequate shelter, water, food, and medical care. In this topic, delegates should consider potential solutions that would ease the hardship of the Rohingya, while simultaneously maintaining world order and peace within Myanmar and Bangladesh.

  • Topic 2: Dispute and Crises of Antarctica

    The Crisis of Antarctica has been around for more than a century as countries have fought over the continent and the territory that comes with it. The motive for countries to have control over the continent largely lies in the resources of freshwater and oil that are likely contained beneath the surface of the ice, leading to many nations attempting to lay claim to chunks of the continent. Additionally, Antarctica is also a safe haven for Subarctic research development. As the Earth warms up, tensions between countries who claim ownership have also ignited. Delegates are tasked with easing international relations with competing countries while also preventing the melting of Antarctica’s land.

Committee Chairs

  • Aryan Kanduri

    Aryan Kanduri, a sophomore at Maggie Walker, is thrilled to be one of your co-chairs for SPECPOL. This is his second year at Maggie Walker, having attended conferences like HIMUNC and ODUMUNC. Outside of MUN, he loves to play chess, play the piano and clarinet, run on the school track team, and travel. He also loves to volunteer at the Healthy Kids Running Series and the Children’s Museum. Aryan is forward to meeting and working with all of the delegates, and making this the most thrilling committee!

  • Sriram Panchagnula

    Sriram is a sophomore at Maggie Walker and is excited to chair for GSMUN XXVI this year! He has been part of MUN for two years but had some prior experiences before then. Previously, Sriram has been part of several conferences, namely William and Mary, and has previously served as a crisis staffer at GSMUN XXV, enjoying his time stirring up and participating in intense debates. He also participates in Robotics and has experience with TSA, math and writing competitions, and basketball. Away from school, you can find Sriram relaxing at home watching movies, reading books, and playing outside. He is excited to be part of such an amazing group and can’t wait to see all the wonderful debates next March!